An Interview With : Brad Marr (Massive)

As the saying goes travel broadens the mind, a statement that would never be more apt for the life of a band on the road. Having just released their brand new album Destination Somewhere, Massive are beginning their next chapter in their career. Having penned the album all over the world, a deceptive meandering title for the bands unrelenting hunger to tour the world as much as possible. Which conseuqently had an affect of unintentionally creating a more rounded sound since their first listen. We were able to call up Massive singer Brad Marr to speak to the man about life on the road, the scene down under and of course Destination Somewhere.

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Album Review : Massive – Destination Somewhere

Nomads of Australia, Massive have learnt the hard way the sheer amount of work that goes into touring. Heading out all over the world the band have had more than just a learning curve. Experiences have shaped the band into crafting their new record Destination Somewhere very much a red herring the album’s title suggests aimless wandering but Massive are doing anything but.

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