It would seem that tenacity is one of Thrash Metal’s secret weapons. Amongst the plethora of solo’s, screaming vocals and that trademark breakneck speed these guys are kickin’ it old school. Releasing a brand new DVD Live CD combo Death Angel are merely just one of the bands that have been going since the eighties and are arguably stronger than ever! Chronicling the band’s rise to fame, along with the decision to call it quits right up to their reformation and The Dream Calls For Blood the documentary is a fascinating fly on the wall look into the life of Death Angel. Able to speak to us Ted Aguilar kindly put away some time to chat about the brand new DVD/CD combo, what we can expect from the band later this year and that all important brand new record…
Death Angel Release Thrashumentary Teaser
Bay Area legends Death Angel have released their first taster of what we can expect for, their brand new DVD a Thrashumnetary.