An Interview With : Scott Lewis (Carnifex)

Celebrating the life of an underdog, Carnifex embarked on their triumphant Decade of Despair tour. Performing all over Europe the band devised a special anniversary set spanning their entire career from classic bangers to newer material. Being lucky enough to catch the band on their London date at The Underworld we spoke to the delightful Scott Lewis. Having always sensed that the band were the undisputed kings of Deathcore we delve into just how they have manage to get to where they are now in their ten year career and with the band set to enter the studio in spring this year, Lewis lets us in on what to expect from the brand new album set for a summer release this year.

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Live Review : Carnifex – Within The Ruins – Fallujah and Boris The Blade

Ten years on and Carnifex return to London to celebrate their ten year anniversary. Entitled the Decade of Despair tour the band have become a hallmark in the world of Deathcore and tonight will prove that they have definitely earned their stripes. With a new album set for a spring release next year the band are ushering in a new era of Carnifex. However before we can get to the meat and potatoes we welcome some fantastic support romight.

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