Symphony X Entering The Studio


Fantastic news for the progressive fan, veteran metallers Symphony X have finally wrapped up their pre-production on a new album and will be entering the studio next week.

It’s been 4 long years since the release of the critically acclaimed double album ‘Iconoclast‘, and many fans have been very anxious for a new record and it is finally on it’s way. Bassist Michael LePond had a few things to say about the upcoming album…

On entering the studio:

“We’re gonna start the drums on Tuesday [September 9], and with all the recording and then the promotion, we hope to have a new album out for the spring, the songs are ready to go. We have ten songs. We may record nine or ten; we’ll see how it goes.”

On the album’s sound:

“Stylistically, it’s not as heavy as ‘Iconoclast’ was. If I had to compare, I would say that it’s a combination of ‘The Odyssey’ and ‘Paradise Lost’ — something in there. It has a lot of classic SYMPHONY X elements in it, which I think a lot of our fans were missing for a few years. So I think our fans will really like this one. It really just focuses on solid songwriting.”

On a potential release date for the album:

“I think we would like to have the album recorded by the end of the year, finished. And then we give it to the record company and then they need three months to promote. So that’s the plan right now.”

We eagerly await the new X album!

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