Soilwork Reveal New Track

Earlier this year the band decided to release a truly crushing live album, previously the band announced that they will be releasing a brand new studio album this year. Finally we have new music from the Swedish Metal masters.

Entitled The Ride Majestic, the bands brand new album will be released August 28th, the band have now debuted the title track from the album. Dealing with the realisation that death will one day come and you must do all in your power to remain alive. Remain invigorated and be full of life, “The Ride Majestic” is a fantastic song to set the tone of the album.

Containing their signature lead lines the band are known for along with the classic Swedish Death Metal sound, it would seem that the band will be definitely onto a winner. Not to mention their incredible work ethic, releasing both a Live DVD/CD combination AND a new album all in the one year! For those who though Soilwork were nearing the end, think again!

Recorded by David Castillo and mastered by Jens Bogren the bands brand new album The Ride Majestic will be released via Nuclear Blast on August 28th and you can pre-order a copy here!

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