An Interview With: Markus Siepen & Andre Olbrich (Blind Guardian)

You simply cannot be a fan of European metal without having heard of Blind Guardian. The band are such a staple in the continent’s heavy diet, that now you could find German elders in the street knowing a couple of songs from the band at least. Blind Guardian are massive, and their current tour has justified that nothing is stopping them from getting bigger. And we had to travel to the USA to find a moment of their time.

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Album Review : Testament – The Brotherhood Of The Snake

Secret Boulder passages, hidden bathrooms and of course the high society living. Wiping the sacred parchment whilst eating what could be seen as an entire farm, Homer, not the Greek literary genius but the balding yellow charmer is banished from The Stone Cutters forever. Thankfully our Duff drinking main man hasn’t anything happen to him but not all are so lucky. Tackling the idea of secret society’s within this world we know Testament invite you into the belly of the beast to join The Brotherhood Of The Snake. 

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A Second Interview With : Chuck Billy (Testament)

No pressure. Two words that when applied cause the absolute opposite of their desired effect. Holing themselves away to write the follow up to 2012’s Dark Roots Of Earth, Testament began crafting their next chapter in the band’s history. Appearing sporadically for tour opportunities the band were somewhat biding their time. Knowing that their new record would be entitled The Brotherhood Of The Snake there was some form of narrative the band could follow. Speaking with the booming and entirely delightful, Chuck Billy we found out that, to quote the band there was more than meets the eye with their new release. Scheduling in studio time without being entirely prepared, something the band had never done before, their backs were firmly up against the wall. Nevertheless like the proverbial snake, when cornered the animal can become fierce, enraged and most importantly incredibly dangerous. With that in mind we’re let into the world of Testament and how with their strongest line up in years they came to write one of their most vicious records yet. No pressure.

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Entombed AD Release Video Euro Tour Kicks Off Today

Celebrating the start of their European tour Entombed AD have debuted a brand new vide for “Dead Dawn“. 
Returning to the Death Metal scene last year, Entombed AD wowed us all with Dead Dawn. Since then the band have been touring the world over, accompanying the likes of Behemoth and Abbath and all sorts of others today the band will be beginning their European trek and what better way to kick things off than with a brand new video for their title track. 

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Obscura Live At The Dome

Solar eclipses, the birth of your first born child, council tax payment deadlines. There are some things that you can not miss. Banding together the four horsemen of the Technical Death Metal apocalypse didn’t quite bring with them Famine, pestilence, death and war but it would have been pretty close. Consisting of Rivers of Nihil, Beyond Creation, Revocation and Obscura this is what separates the men from the boys.

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