Vader – Tibi Et Igni
Vader are by no means a new band, now on album number ten its not an easy task to keep music such as their interesting. Much of the time I have found myself thinking that their music although fantastic, shows not much progression. A lot of the songs are similar almost blurring into one making it hard to differentiate between tracks. However Tibi Et Igni seems to have this very much in mind. With opening songs utilizing the usual Vader pattern of relentless drums mixed with fast paced riffing this is old school Vader, I’m talking from the days of Kingdom. We’re greeted with the usual grandiose intro in “Go To Hell” and straight into a classic Vader style riff, the same happens for the next couple of songs until we hit “Hexenkessel“.
Whispered Cover Final Fantasy VII Battle Theme
Einherjer Release New Single
A Guitar Cover of a Political Meltdown
And tuning into the stranger side of guitar covers, a guitarist from Japan has recently played notes along to ashamed politician Ryutaro Nonomura who had a very public meltdown. Reports say he was trying to claim over 3 million yen (about $29’600) in travel expenses…just under what Greg Christan (ex-Testament) claimed he made in a year in his public meltdown!
Goatwhore – Constrincting Rage Of The Merciless
When it comes to the despairing sound of black metal who better to call on than riff overlords, Goatwhore. Being able to meld the frosty texture of black metal, with the buzzsaw sound a la Entombed all the while keeping that venom that is with punk and an almost hardcore groove. After releasing Blood Of The Master a couple of years ago Goatwhore have been writing their next release.