Now that we have seen all twenty four days of Christmas with each album it’s time that we both at The Metalist chose our defining album of the year. Representing a combined effort our previous list was a more rounded affair, this separates the men from the boys. My personal album of the year goes to :
The 2014 Playlist
Metal In A Year
Looking Back To 2015
We Pick Out 2014’s Best Metal Album Covers!
Get Our Entire Advent Of The Year All In One Place!
Now that the festive day has come to an end check out our Album Of The Year list all in one place! No longer will you have to trawl through endlessly on the news feed. We at The Metalist hope that all of our followers had a lovely and most importantly metal Christmas. Let’s get ready for the new year and some new music!
Advent Of The Year : Day Twenty Four
Advent Of The Year : Day Twenty Three