An Interview With : Hannes Grossmann (Alkaloid)

A household name in the Death Metal drumming arena, Hannes Grossmann has been a part of numerous different bands in the genre. From the beginnings of Necrophagist from the stint in Obscura, whilst along the way performing with Blotted Science, consisting of Cannibal Corpse bassist Alex Webster and guitar wizard Ron Jarzombek. With a whole host of different bands in the man’s pocket one particular band are potentially the most interesting the man has put together thus far. Made up of Aborted, Obscura, Noneuclid and Dark Fortress members we present to you Alkaloid.  Speaking out about the decision to leave Obscura, the bands new album and some of the drummer’s own inspirations we sat down for a long and thorough chat.

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Album Review : Locrian – Infinite Dissolution

Throughout the times of metal, it seems that one unifying concept has always been common. The demise of mankind and often with it the world. Deciding to tackle the grandiose and truly morbid concept, Locrian offer us a different perspective that the classic balls to the wall approach. Dancing between finesse and dense musical sounds we welcome you into the world of Infinite Dissolution.

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