Album Review : Biters – Electric Blood

When moving on in time we often look back bathing in sentimentality pining for the past. Things went at a slower place, worries didn’t lay our thoughts under siege and life was just a little more relaxed. For some this might be somewhere in the 1970’s era, a time known for some of the most visionary bands in history to appear. Channelling the ethos of all that the seventies embodied we see Biters release their second album Electric Blood.

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A Tech Fest Interview With : Arnor and Þórarinn (Agent Fresco)

Easily one the undisputed favourites of this year’s Tech Fest Agent Fresco won over our heart’s not just once but twice over the weekend. The first being their main support Saturday main stage slot and the second being a very exclusive and truly haunting acoustic set, which was to be one of the most moving experiences of music that the mass of Tech Fest goers would experience. With their brand new album Destrier set for release next Friday we were able to sit down for a chat with the truly charming Arnor and Þórarinn before both of these magnificent and truly honest performances. Speaking of the band’s new album, past experiences and what we might be seeing from this truly unique band that will very shortly and quite rightly take the world by absolute storm. Agent Fresco, we love you.

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