Poised to release their brand new album later this year Heart Of A Coward have been growing from strength to strength. With their previous release, the Danny Dyer loving Severance, reaching out to fans all over the world it has seen the band grow exponentially. At Tech Fest since it’s infancy the band have slowly been climbing up the musical food chain, leading to their absolutely incredible performance at Saturday’s headliner slot complete with an appearance of the Sweetness Owl! Before that however we were lucky enough to be able to speak to both the delightful Carl Ayers and Vishal Khetia about the new album, what it means to be head lining this year’s festival and how they have come to have such an extensive fanbase!
Album Review : Krisiun – Forged In Fury
Having been around in the Death Metal arena now for twenty five absolutely destructive years Krisiun approach their anniversary as one of Brazil’s most ruinous exports with a brand new album, Forged In Fury. Have Camargo and co’s claws remained as razor sharp as they once were or has time dulled our feral cat’s claws…
King Diamond To Perform Abigail In its Entirety On Tour
Not only will you be getting the créme de la créme of a full album playthrough but Exodus are main support to the man.
Wacken Open Air 2016 Sells Out, Announces First Wave Of Bands
We have just returned from the legendary Wacken Open Air, and the 27th edition is already sold out! The festival preparations for next year are already inn full force with the first wave of bands being announced.
Rammstein Set To Release New DVD
We finally know that Rammstein will be reuniting to start a new studio album in September, but a new trailer has hinted the band will be releasing a brand new DVD soon…
Eluveitie Violinist Decides To Leave Band
The Swiss folk metal titans have made the sad announcement that violin player Nicole Ansperger has decided to leave the band.
Nile Announce US Tour Early 2016
Releasing their brand new record What Should Not Be Unearthed the band will be heading out on the road, first up the band tackle the UK and Europe this September with Suffocation
Rockstar Mayhem Festival Says Goodbye
It’s no secret that this year’s Rockstar Mayhem Festival has been fraught with countless amounts of issues. Though the biggest of which seemed to be a game of high stakes Chinese whispers.