Having just released their brand new devastating album Infernus the boys in Hate Eternal are hitting the road and bringing an all star line up with them.
Angra Release Video For ‘Black Hearted Soul’
Brazil’s premier power metallers have just released a new video in support of their latest opus ‘Secret Garden‘.
Album Review : Ahab – The Boats Of The Glen Carig
It has been said that more is known about the surface of the moon than that of the bottom of our oceans. looking like a tranquil getaway in open water, however if you were to dive slowly down into the depths you would encounter an uncharted world. Where darkness governs and light is a scarce, the unknown worlds exist at the bottom of the ocean.
Wes Craven : A Metal Tribute
For those among you who might not yet know, Wes Craven has sadly passed on it was announced this morning. Dying at the age of 76 we can all take comfort in the fact that the man well and truly lived his life, though after death there is still life. In the shape of his absolutely archetypal films his memory will forever live on. Making some of the most Metal movies and being one of the heroes of horror we thought that we would make a quick list of five Metal songs to do with the classic concept, dreams.
Slayer Record Video Featuring All Star Celeb Cast
With the release of their brand new album, Repentless nearing day by day the band have announced that they recently recorded their brand new video for the title track.
A Bloodstock Interview With : Jon Dow (Jettblack)
As another sunny day approached yet more bands were gracing this year’s festival fields. Among them a band that themselves, were concerned might not fit in with the Bloodstock aesthetic. Their incredibly catchy brand of Heavy Metal has garnered a significant following. Having released their brand new album Disguises we were able to speak to band mastermind and guitarist Jon about how it was to crowd fund an album, what the process behind Disguises was like and what exactly is going on in the Jettblack world!
Album Review : Soilwork – The Ride Majestic
Among others a strong work ethic is crucial to survive in the modern day world of the music industry. Having released their massive Live DVD/CD combo earlier this year it would seem that our Swede’s weren’t quite content at leaving it there. With a charged discography Soilwork begin to usher in their new era with their brand new full length The Ride Majestic.
A Bloodstock Interview With : Seidemann (1349)
Perhaps not exactly a characteristic of the classic Black Metal make up, the sun was relentless in 1349’s extraordinary set. Giving the band a little time to cool off we were able to speak to Seidemann about 1349 and it’s happenings. Releasing Massive Cauldron Of Chaos last year the band have seemingly soared since, among touring all over, the band have also made time to create their own brand of beer, which Seidemann fills us in on along with answering some questions on the band and what might be headed their frost bitten way.