Though no doubt today will belong to Iron Maiden releasing their brand new album The Book Of Souls to kick your weekend off right Slayer have made another track available for you to listen to!
Prog To Get Official Chart
One of the most influential movements of the 70’s Prog Rock has now finally gotten it’s own chart.
Album Review: Amorphis – Under The Red Cloud
After a series of fantastic releases that have graced the last few years, it’s hard to see what Amorphis have left to offer…we review their latest effort ‘Under The Red Cloud‘ to see what’s left in the tank!
Album Review : Riverside – Love, Fear And The Time Machine
Hard to truly pin point, memory is an abstract theme. Something that no matter the catalyst will never change the perception of the person or object you share the memory with. A time capsule of the mind if you will. Triggered by the act of familiarity instantly transports you back to the days of yesteryear.
Album Review : Ramming Speed – No Epitaphs
In the world of Metal something that has always gone in tandem with the aggressive output of the genre is energy. More and more we find bands tinkering with songs until they seem to have their perfect formula and concentrate less on just having a life atmosphere. Thankfully a band like Ramming Speed have appeared to shatter the preconceptions of what people perceptions might be of various different genres all the while giving you a no holds barred thrill ride.
A Bloodstock Interview With : Cristiano (Fleshgod Apocalypse)
Gearing up for the release of the sophomore effort after 2013’s The Labyrinth Fleshgod Apocalypse are busy writing and recording their brand new record. Entitled King, the album will be revolving around a concept, keeping their cards fairly close to their chest about the matter we were able to have a chat with Cristiano to see if we could find out a little more. Before their decimating headline appearance at this year’s Bloodstock we caught up with Cristiano Trionfera discussing among others, the brand new album, what is like to try and co-ordinate a band as intricate as Fleshgod Apocalypse and what some of the guitarists influences might be!
At The Gates Release Footage For New Video
Releasing their phenomenal come back album last year At War With Reality, much of this year has seen the band tour the world over with this their incredible new album.
Motorhead Have Had to Abandon A String of US Shows This Week…
Concerns about Lemmy Kilmister’s health are rising as the band have had to abandon 3 performances on their current US tour…