An Interview With : Jeff JJ Janiak and Tez (Discharge)

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks or so the saying goes. Almost being forty years into their career Discharge have become synonymous with the anarchic nature of Punk. Known for their abrasive sound, creating sandpaper style guitars asphalt laden vocals spitting out songs in their now coined D-Beat style you would be excused if after as many years as 1982’s eponymous Hear Nothing,See Nothing,Say Nothing the band had run out of steam. Yet now the band are on the cusp of their brand new album End of Days seeing them begin yet another bandfaced chapter in their history. Shortly before performing in Tottenham’s legendary T-Chances venue we were able to sit down with singer Jeff JJ Janiak and an impromptu appearance from none other than Tez himself. Delving into how the band encountered troubles with material, making a record in the day and age of 2016 and some unexpected Doctor Who fans.

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Album Review : Discharge – End Of Days

Limitless in its possibility the ever changing entity that is music is made up of many different forms. From melodious ballads, heart wrenching choruses to the opposite end of the spectrum, absolute noise. Straight from the horses mouth we heard the eternal struggle Discharge are in with their strive against the all governing blues scale. In their ever optimistic outlook the band have come to release their latest visceral slab of aggression End of Days but have the band out flanked melody once more?

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Album Review : Haken – Affinity

Soon to be a relic of the past, the eighties have always been the unsung heroes of the past decades. Depending on the era you were born in the children of the nineties will never quite be on the same plain as those who were born in the eighties. Era of the cult film, possibly the most lucrative music has been and of course Sci-Fi. With this in mind we delve into Haken’s Affinity, exploring the other dark side of the moon with some slightly different Brits. Hang onto something!

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Butcher Babies Live At The Underworld : Live Review

Assumptions and perceptions often go hand in hand, for a community that is supposedly accepting of all genres, races and sexes sometimes our preconceptions can be one hundred percent wrong. Butcher Babies, fronted by two fantastic performers Heidi Shepherd and Carla Harvey might not necessarily be everyone’s cup of tea but sadly with the narrow minded Metal community many deem them not to be of the same calibre. Tonight the band take over London’s Underworld and I can whole heartedly say they most certainly are.

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