After announcing their brand new album Fires Within Fires Neurosis have now unveiled their brand new artwork that will be accompanying the album.
Despised Icon Release Third Trailer
Now that we have had the second trailer from Sabaton, Despised Icon have revealed to us a third trailer for their forthcoming album Beast.
An Interview With : Dave Davidson (Revocation)
Mankind in the animal kingdom is somewhat of an anomaly. Able to create free thinking independent ideas using past experiences to build foundation for theories and owing to our opposable thumbs have led us to be technically top of the food chain. Though we might be the most evolutionary of species there are arguments that our theoretical knowledge is incredibly infantile. Taking the words of one Charles Darwin, the father of evolution, Revocation begin their venture into their first ever concept album. Irrespective of time, location or ideal we as humans have an inherent urge ranging from the morbid fascination with death in the form of public execution to the entire demise of civilisations ourselves owing to repeated mistake that are supposed to have become cognitive. Speaking to Dave Davidson of Revocation we asked the singer about just what Great Is Our Sin truly entails and the answer was far larger than we thought…
Sabaton Unveil Part Two Of Making Of
In the build up to their release of brand new album The Last Stand, Sabaton have unveiled another making of video.
Dave Mustaine Clearly States Chris Adler Not A Part Of Megadeth
For those unsure what the current status of Megadeth’s drummer might be we can definintely clear this up for you.
Bullet For My Valentine To Perform The Poison In Its Entirety
Relive those Metalcore moments from when you were younger as Bullet For My Valentine will be performing their album The Poison.
The Devil Wears Prada Guitarist Exits Band
Currently recording their forthcoming new album it has transpired that guitarist Daniel Williams has left the band.
Bloodstock 2016 Day Tickets Now Available
As we near the month of August its the best time of year once again with the arrival of Bloodstock. For those perhaps not inclined to experience the full three days of the festival, or maybe you can’t get the time off work fear not as the Bloodstock 2016 day tickets have all been released.