Album Review: Sabaton – The Last Stand

It’s a pretty feasible argument now that Sabaton and European heavy metal can be set on synonymous terms. The band have gained an increasing amount of popularity with their highly energetic approach to heavy metal, laced together with the epic themes of military history. The band take no rest after each musical victory, and return once again with their latest opus, ‘The Last Stand‘.

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An Interview With: Martijn Westerholt (Delain)

Delain at this point in their career have arguably joined the fine ranks of legendary Dutch symphonic metal. It’s taken a little while to get there, but there has been no stumbling block in their existence, only music that has refined like matured like a good wine. Now comes ‘Moonbathers‘, that has already promised some of the band’s strongest material to date. We chat with keyboardist and composer Martijn Westerholt to explain what makes the Delain machine tick when it comes to making music.

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EP Review : Vader – Iron Times

Connotations within Metal can be detrimental yet can on the other hand be incredibly accurate. The reliably devastating path that Vader have carved for themselves cements their status as a steadfast edifice to Death Metal. Earning them even the accolade of the Motörhead of Death Metal. Set to release their new effort Empire later this year to baying fans over the band release their EP Iron Times.

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