With this handy playthrough video on guitar but also on drums!
Chason Westmoreland Joins Abigail Williams
The latest addition to the band who are incredibly hard to pin down.
Meshuggah Announce Australian Tour
Gearing up for the release of their brand new album The Violent Sleep Of Reason, the Meshuggah tour machine is slowly but surely beginning to come back into play now the band have announced dates in Australia.
An Interview With : Ludwig Witt (Grand Magus)
Cementing their reputation in the world of contemporary Heavy Metal this May with their ironclad new effort Sword Songs JB and his cohorts once again put on their metaphorical armour to ride into the battlefield of the stage. Bringing together quintessential elements of what makes up Grand Magus, thematically revolving around tales of the valiant and brave put together with their Maiden worthy choruses Grand Magus are beginning to become in a league totally of their own.
Slayer Complete The Repentless Trio of Videos With “Pride In Prejudice”
Teasing their brand new video last week, Slayer have at last completed the trio of their brutal Repentless series of videos.
Upon A Burning Body Announce New Album
Gaining notoriety as each year passes Upon A Burning Body are slowly but surely becoming real hitters in the genre and now the band have announced their latest release.
The Dillinger Escape Plan Announce Final European Tour
It’s all coming to an end boys and girls…
Opeth Unveil Second Single “Will O The Wisp”
Ah the first days of September, as Autumn begins to settle in before the arrival of winter we’re greeted with the familiar cold snap that brings us into colder realms, so naturally it’s time for a new Opeth album!