Album Review : Riverside – Eye of The Soundscape

Strength can be manifested in many different forms. From the most literal take on the subject of the physical act of lifting  to something far re demanding, emotional strength. Resolving to carry on despite the passing of their friend and band member Piotr, Riverside rally together their collective musical strength to bring to the world their final release as a four piece. Presenting to us Eye Of The Soundscape it’s clear that Riverside will never truly be the same band again as we move into a new chapter in the band’s life cycle. 

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Album Review : Korn – The Serenity Of Suffering

 Settling down, having kids, becoming the all important parent ie cab driver. Suddenly you find yourself working everyday, groaning when lifting yourself out of a chair, and in the never ending efforts to retain your youth you’ve suddenly ended up with a Harley Davidson. However the mid life crisis doesn’t restrict itself solely to the middle aged parents of the world. Having somewhat of an identity crisis Korn, a Nu- Metal band, were experimenting with various different tonalities. Sadly ending up releasing The Path Of Totality in an effort to rediscover themselves. Returning in 2016 we ditch the Harley Davidson for a return to identity in the form of The Serenity Of Suffering. 

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