It’s a well known fact that metal band names are a little bit of a joke. Some are cheesy, some are well thought out, yet have ridiculous fonts but none is like Minsk’s Eximperituserqethhzebibsiptugakkathsulweliarzaxulum.
The absurdly long band name begs the question, why? My only thinking is that it must be for promotional purposes. Although if your unique selling point is just that you have a really long name, there’s not exactly much going for you. Not even sure exactly of what the bands name means makes its all the more absurd. Perhaps a publicity stunt to garner media attention but surely a shot in the foot seeing as people have trouble with even the most simple of band names.
Bask in the glory of the scarily long band name,whilst also marvelling at the ridiculous longer album title, Prajecyrujučy Sinhuliarnaje Wypramieńwańnie Daktryny Absaliutnaha J Usiopahłynaĺnaha Zła Skroź Šaścihrannuju Pryzmu Sîn-Ahhī-Erība Na Hipierpawierchniu Zadyjakaĺnaha Kaŭčęha Zasnawaĺnikaŭ Kosmatęchničnaha Ordęna Palieakantakta, Najstaražytnyja Ipastasi Dawosiewych Cywilizacyj Prywodziać U Ruch Ręzanansny Transfarmatar Časowapadobnaj Biaskoncaści Budučyni U Ćwiardyniach Absierwatoryi Nwn-Hu-Kek-Amon, Uwasabliajučy Ŭ Ęfirnuju Matęryju Prach Ałulima Na Zachad Ad Ękzapłaniety PSRB 1620-26b , with artwork by the death metal master Par Olofsson.