After having released their new album Bloodstone & Diamonds Machine Head are pretty much at the top of the metal world at the moment. With some fairly big strides made on the album that is painfully honest sounding and a great new record they have debuted the video for “Now We Die“. The song itself had a rather profound message of unity between the band and their fierecely loyal fans along with the metaphor of dying etc… Now the video, is a little cheesy. It has a big air of Machine Head were able to do whatever they wanted within a small barn looking space, queue fire, slight nudity, weird devil things and cheesy special effects and of course including those deep shots of the band looking angry.
Being adventurous when making a video is fantastic and commendable but in this case it seems to devalue the songs ideas and composition slightly, take At The Gates. With their video for “Death and The Labyrinth” being profound simple experience. Whereas instead Machine Head perhaps I might be reading a little too much into it. Its a fun video of a great new song for the band, you can