Everyone’s favourite band Five Finger Death Punch have just released a lyric video for their song “Watch You Bleed” and its pretty much what you would expect. Interspersing lyrics with shots of them playing various festival shows,but overall the song is not too bad. Well it is Five Finger Death Punch… But you have to hand to Ivan Moody and co, they do know how to write a catchy song, throw in a typical radio friendly shred solo and you’re there. FFDP are very much a marmite band, you either love them or you hate them and they seem to have strived on that from the word go and although this song isn’t ground breaking in anyway shape or form, its just a damn catchy song. “Watch You Bleed” is taken from their knuckle head named The Wrong Side of Heaven and The Righteous Side of Hell Vol 1
Check out the video below and “Watch You Bleed”