Album Review : Maschine – Naturalis

With many of Prog’s heavyweights well over what many would consider the term “young” many believe that the genre is an old man’s game. Challenging this statement has seen a birth of countless amounts of interesting and innovative Progressive bands. One of the latest who are no doubt set to be making waves in Prog pools are Maschine.

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EP Review : Lamb of God – The Duke

Mortality, a subject explored limitlessly in culture. Moving as far back as the beginning of man, the idea of our own mortality has been questioned in a universal language. Independent of borders the idea is a unifiying principle among man. Known for its unforgiving nature cancer is a remorseless illness. Befriending one fan after his incarceration in Prague, Randy Blythe, was contacting by one Wayne. Battling the all too familiar battle with cancer for a short period the two became friends until sadly there came news of Wayne’s passing. Among the many conversations had whilst recording their follow up VII : Sturm Und Drang one would be regarding potential singing on the record. Returning with their ferocious comeback Lamb of God astounded the world once more. Wanting to create more than just an extra track “The Duke” was born, a record that surpasses a simple dedication.

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Album Review : Vader – The Empire

Able to withstand relentless barrage of attacks, the German Panzer unit were a site to behold. Owing to their incredible sense of engineering, in effect created one of the sturdiest war machines in memory. Taking a leaf out of the Panzer’s book, Vader, are very much this embodiment of the steadfast. Sticking to their proverbial guns the band have been releasing albums consistently for years upon years, which in essence sound the same but what makes us want to keep coming back to them? Cautioning us forward as we step into the military zone we are welcomed into the age of The Empire. 

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Album Review: In Flames – Battles

If ‘The Jester Race‘ is one of your favourite ever albums, you probably gave up on In Flames a couple albums ago. That odd alternative transition spooked the band’s stalwart fans into looking elsewhere to get their melodic death metal fix. But re-signing to the label that housed the Swedes during their finest moments, ‘Battles’ might just shoot off an old-school flare…

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Album Review: Hammerfall – Built To Last

Every power metal fan knows Hammerfall. The band have served as ambassadors to the genre for almost 20 years now given their classic heavy metal nature that eases you into a new audible world of steel, thunder and knights. It’s been a bit of a stale ride for the titans as of late, but ‘Built To Last‘ looks to bring that revival we’ve all been looking for.

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