New Music Monday

Archspire-The-Lucid-Collective   Archspire, a small band from Canada have recently announced that they will be playing the Canadian leg of The Summer Slaughter tour and are definitely not one to miss, having released their album The Lucid Collective in April this year this is technical death metal done at its peak. Well written songs, something that most bands in the tech death arena seem to just throw out the window and often instead opt for the most technical approach leaving the songs boring lack luster and very non differential. Archspire seem to have a knack for not only making the songs complex but memorable, shredding away when it warrants it and using simple melodies that hook you from the word go as well as being one of the tightest bands I’ve heard in a while. Many bands could take note from these guys with vocals that aren’t too high in the mix and sit just right, my only complaint would be the drums sound slightly tinny, but other than that these boys have got far to go but one day may perhaps be in the tech death elite. Have a listen to the opening track and first single that was released the excellently titled “Lucid Collective Somnambulation“. The Lucid Collective is out now on Season Of Mist.    

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I The Breather Stream New Album

Sumerian new comers I The Breather have made their album available for streaming via YouTube, their new album entitled Life Reaper isn’t too much of a change from I The Breather previous, with the standard chugging mixed in with a soaring chorus and some leads its a metal pop album if you will. The new album is released this week on the 15/07/2014 have a listen below for yourselves and see what you think, if you like what you hear you can listen to the entire album on their YouTube page. You can also check them out over the summer at the Vans Warped Tour.

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