Agoraphobic Nosebleed Announce First Ever Show

Among the many other bands that will be at Maryland Deathfest this coming year, one that is sure to be top of all grindcore lovers list is the brilliant Agoraphobic Nosebleed. The brain child of Scott Hull of Pig Destroyer this will be the bands debut on the live circuit. As well as all the other fantastic bands from all different genre’s a select few will be lucky enough to see these grinders in action and if their records are anything to go by this will not be one to miss!

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Another New Studio Update Has Surfaced From Periphery

After having released five previous videos already we’re now onto update number 6 of the in studio footage for the recording of Periphery‘s latest, Juggernaut. Essentially its a lot of what we have seen before, although near the end of the video it seems that we get concrete information on what the bands rig is. As well as having the usual Periphery tongue in cheek style of promotion, we can hear small snippets of songs off the three guitarists (Misha Mansoor, Mark Holcomb and Jake Bowen) . Its also worthy to note that in some of the tracking sessions, that are all being recorded by Adam “Nolly” Getgood there are brief appearances of eight string guitars. Even if these trailers are whetting people’s appetite it would be nice to actually have some concrete material soon. Or perhaps a new installment based around a different instrument.

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