An Interview With : Brett Rasmussen (Ignite) 

Legends among the Hardcore scene Ignite mark their return this week with the release of their highly anticipated follow up to 2005’s Our Darkest Days. With it now being just over ten years since the band released new material we caught up with bassist and all round lovely bloke Brett Rasmussen to speak about all things Ignite. Describing to us what it was like re-entering the recording studio after such a lengthy absence, what the band’s bright future might hold and how transposing songs, originally written in Hungarian can be quite the challenge…

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An Interview With : Jeff Matz (High On Fire)

Shortly before the commencement of the Christmas festivities we were able to speak to High on Fire’s own Jeff Matz. Unleashing yet another solid stellar effort in the form of Luminiferous the band show no signs of weakening. Speaking to the bassist we asked the man, what some of his biggest influences included, what it was like to return to God City Studios to record the new album and much more! Listen to the full interview below this excerpt for the unedited chat.

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An Interview With : Oscar Carlquist (Ram)

The idea of having Metal as a genre to become somewhat of a movement is an interesting one. Releasing their brand new album Svbversvm this year, we welcome back RAM to the scene. Delvering classic Heavy Metal sounds with stories similar to the classic Escape From New York style. The minority is constantly against the collective, we were able to speak to the bands vocalist Oscar Carlquist for a real low down on what the entire process behind creating the album was like, what the overlying themes might be and the esoteric value of Metal as a movement itself. Listen to the unedited interview below this excerpt!

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An Interview With : Dan Foord (Sikth)

Announcing their return last year Sikth were the ones to watch. Performing live for the first time in years at Download Festival the band went on to perform a mini tour culminating in London’s Koko performance. With no one wanting to tempt fate the band went into slight hibernation once again until the announcement of their brand new EP. Quickly snowballing in part due to the fans rabid reaction to the announcement and the band’s supply of new material the EP morphed into a Mini album. Celebrating its release the band have been on a small UK tour ending at London’s Forum, no doubt one of their biggest shows to date. Prior to being floored by their exceptional performance we were able to speak to the rhythmic brain behind the Sikth juggernaut, Dan Foord. Giving us a temporary fly on the wall look into Sikth’s year we spoke about what it was like getting back into the writing process after such a long absence, what Sikth’s plans for the future might be in the form or a potential new album and a fantastic surprise in store for next year that will no doubt make Death of a Dead Day fans very excited indeed…

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A Damnation Interview With : Robin Staps (The Ocean) 

Releasing their brand new split EP with Post Rock kings Mono, The Ocean have been fairly busy in the year of 2015. Attending this year’s Damnation, along with the absolutely fantastic live performance we were able to speak to the band’s mastermind Robin Staps. Enlightening us about how the split came to be, how it was recorded and what made the bands decide on an EP together we find out more about The Quiet Observer along with some more tantalising news of a new album. Outlining the current process of writing for their new album, with the artist single handedly crafting their brilliant Pelagial the band opt for a more dynamic approach this time round. Listen to the full interview in our Soundcloud file below the excerpt of the interview.

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A Damnation Interview With : Jarle (Vreid)

Third in our round of interviews from Leeds’ Damnation we were able to speak to long time Black Metal underdogs Vreid. Having released their brand new album Solverv we spoke to frontman and all around nice guy Jarle Kvåle. Speaking about the album’s recording process, why the singer doesn’t discuss lyrics and the all important writing process where Jarle locked himself in a woodland cabin to conch the new album is Trve Kvlt. Listen to the full unedited interview below!  

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A Damnation Interview With : John, James and Robin (Maybeshewill)

Perhaps one of the anomalies of Damnation, Maybeshewill have returned for the final time to the hallowed halls of Damnation. Taking the decision to stop touring and maybe the band altogether the lads in Maybeshewill had a fantastic send off in their Leeds home away from home. Culminating in a London Koko date the band will be performing farewell shows in 2016 ending on April 15th. After their fantastic performance we were able to catch up with drummer and guitarists James, John and Robin to find out just why the band decided to call it a day and whether it will mean the end of the band or simply their live presence… 

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