An Interview With : Lord Ahriman (Dark Funeral)

Metal as a subculture has always been under fire from the more conformist of ideologies. With rebellion in its foundations Metal is a vessel to break away from the norms of societies sometimes isolating those with a more open mind in the eyes of the mass. Coming up trumps in the Metal subgenres, Black Metal is its own following in itself. Created as a protest against religion the genre is a magnet to controversy. Set to release their brand new album Where Shadows Forever Reign on June 3rd (Century Media), Dark Funeral will mark their return after a six year absence. We were lucky enough to be able to speak to composer and geniune Black Metal maestro Lord Ahriman about an in depth look at the writing process and the controversy surrounding Black Metal and its censorship particularly in Russia.

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An Interview With : Chuck Billy (Testament)

Pillars of our civilisation, ranging from the prehistoric times to the modern day symbolism has been ever present. Highlighting different ideologies uniting people in both good causes or  sadly truly horrific principles Having released their last album in 2012 the devastating Dark Roots of Earth, Testament are set to return this year. Cementing bassist extraordinaire Steve DiGiorgio on bass in the band’s new line up the band have entered the studio to record their follow up The Brotherhood of The Snake. Just days before entering the studio to record their new album we spoke to vocalist Chuck Billy. Walking us through the album’s fascinating concept centred around religion and symbolism, the band’s plans for Europe with a little known Viking band later this year and Billy’s opinion on the current state of Thrash. Welcome to The Brotherhood of The Snake oh and bowling! The Dude most certainly abides. 

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An Interview With: Nicolas Delestrade (Novelists)

French metal has been on the exponential rise over the past few years. It’s a country that has not typically been associated with metal music, and it’s been a bit of a mystery as to why all of a sudden there has been such an increase of fantastic bands. At the forefront of those are Novelists, releasing their fantastic debut ‘Souvenirs‘ late last year that has been receiving quite acclaim worldwide. We catch up with bassist Nicolas Delestrade to answer some of our questions about the rise of French metal…

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An Interview With : Mallika Sunduramurthy (Abnormality)

As far as genres go Death Metal has very much been a DIY affair. From the likes of Cannibal Corpse right up until the new breed of Metal visionaries the genre has always relied on relentless touring, quick learning and of course being as sonically devastating as possible. These three ingredients make up Abnormality’s DNA, having just released their Metal Blade debut Mechanisms of Omniscience the band stake their claim as a truly ferocious band in the Death Metal arena. Kindly able to speak to us whilst on tour in the US we spoke to singer Mallika Sunduramurthy on the new record. From its lyrical meanings to its significantly impactful artwork, designed by Sunduramurthy and how Death Metal being DIY may have been rife in the past and is coincidentally in the future. 

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An Interview With : Brad Marr (Massive)

As the saying goes travel broadens the mind, a statement that would never be more apt for the life of a band on the road. Having just released their brand new album Destination Somewhere, Massive are beginning their next chapter in their career. Having penned the album all over the world, a deceptive meandering title for the bands unrelenting hunger to tour the world as much as possible. Which conseuqently had an affect of unintentionally creating a more rounded sound since their first listen. We were able to call up Massive singer Brad Marr to speak to the man about life on the road, the scene down under and of course Destination Somewhere.

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An Interview With: Ryan Leitru (For Today)

We’ve said it before. We think metalcore is stale. Yet somehow Iowa genre veterans managed to breathe some new life with their album ‘Wake’ released last year. We take the opportunity to talk to guitarist Ryan Leitru about what he thinks the current state of metalcore is, and of course about the development of the album that sparked our attention into the genre again.

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An Interview With: Stefan Schmidt & Ross Thompson (Van Canto)

Van Canto have shot to international attention producing not only one of metal’s most original performances, but in the bigger picture of music. We interview vocalists Stefan Schmidt and Ross Thompson from the world’s first metal acapella band to get an in depth look into the now 10 year career of Van Canto, and learn about their recent big production in ‘Voices of Fire‘.

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