A Damnation Interview With : John, James and Robin (Maybeshewill)

Perhaps one of the anomalies of Damnation, Maybeshewill have returned for the final time to the hallowed halls of Damnation. Taking the decision to stop touring and maybe the band altogether the lads in Maybeshewill had a fantastic send off in their Leeds home away from home. Culminating in a London Koko date the band will be performing farewell shows in 2016 ending on April 15th. After their fantastic performance we were able to catch up with drummer and guitarists James, John and Robin to find out just why the band decided to call it a day and whether it will mean the end of the band or simply their live presence… 

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Live Review – Slayer at Brixton Academy

2015 is no doubt a different picture for all of us to have imagined but for a band as archetypal in the machinations of the metal world as Slayer it represents a significant point in their career. Having tragically lost previous member Jeff Hanneman the future was uncertain, bouncing back this year releasing their highly anticipated album Repentless the band have been back at it. Now thirty years on how exactly do they compare…

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An Interview With: Chrigel Glanzmann (Eluveitie)

Eluveitie have been on a rocket ride to the top of their game for the better part of the last decade. It’s arguable to say that the band have set an incredible standard for folk metal with the series of folk instrument virtuosos that fused with death metal riffing. Bringing their latest album ‘Origins’ to London we catch up with frontman Chrigel Glanzmann to ask a few questions about how Eluveitie continues to pioneer such complex music.

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Live Review : Agent Fresco

Technicality and emotion are not exactly something that you would deem would go hand in hand. Making their UK debut this July at the fast growing Tech Fest, for those who were there Agent Fresco were an undoubtable highlight of the fast growing festival. With the release of new album Destrier behind them the band embark on their first UK headline tour however before we can get back to our favourite Icelandic bunch we were able to pay heed to some fantastic up and coming bands tonight.

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