I have to say when I first heard Carach Angren, I thought they were absolutely terrible. Boring melodies that didn’t quite work, however, I simply didn’t understand what the band were doing. I take my hat off to the band, creating a style like none other of true narrative that is mirrored by the music. Creating an entire story from just the music itself when so many times the music compliments the narrative, the narrative is in fact driven by the music.
Having released the first song “There’s No Place Like Home“ previously, Carach Angren now offer us another slice of the new album. The pantomime “Killed And Served To The Devil” is as dark as the lyrical matter suggests, which is the principle reason why this band has turned my head certainly. A theatrical tour de force,making the listener truly feel uneasy the music is full of the trademark Symphonic metal elements yet put together with such a macabre dressing. I get the feeling that this tale will be one that wouldn’t go amiss any of Raimi‘s finest work, conjurings and killings and of course true evil.
This Is No Fairytale has to be understood to be truly appreciated, with this being track number seven it seems that we would be nearing our cacophonous climax of our fairytale . An inspired single that works well on its own, however will culminate in a truly horrific tale of misery.
Listen below (just ignore the Jaws opening) !