After teasing fans with the identity of their new singer and it reaching fever pitch, the truth was finally revealed that Nick Holmes of Paradise Lost fame was to fill in Akerfeldts weighty shoes. Now after their album release details emerged we have a brand new song! Entitled “Unite In Pain” it’s the first example we’ve got of the new line up. The chainsaw buzz sound of the guitars would sit fantastically in Left Hand Path Entombed era of death metal, whilst the slow winding melodies from both guitarists seep into your head, but the real question people will be asking is how did Nick Holmes hold up? I must say, personally I thought that he was a worthy successor to the intimidating reputation to live up to, drenched in atmospheric leads the new single is an interesting sound that Bloodbath have gone for and although I must say I wasn’t bowled over, its definitely got my interests peaked.
Listen to Unite In Pain by clicking the artwork below and see if you agree, Grand Morbid Funeral will be released November 17th via Peaceville.