One of Canada’s best exports have just announced that their new album to be entitled Earthborn Evolution shall be released this coming October. Having not only released the album’s artwork which continues on with the dystopian feel there was in The Aura. Beyond Creation have also unleashed the track listing, but the fun doesn’t stop there. They have even made a new song available for everyone’s listening pleasure. The new song “Elusive Reverance” is the first song on the album. After a three year gap between releasing 2011’s The Aura, Beyond Creation have changed slightly in sound, seeming to be even more tight and cohesive but essentially the same formula is there. There is still that fretless bass guitar that sounds like an elastic band, the excellent harmonies and relentless riffing,but most importantly the song writing itself hasn’t been compromised.
Here is the artwork, which has, in my opinion a Giger tinge to their dystopian machine run atmosphere.
Click the artwork to listen to “Elusive Reverance”
And here is the track listing :
1 – Elusive Reverance
2 – Sous La Lueur De L’Empereur
3 – Earthborn Evolution
4 – The Great Revelation
5 – Neurotical Transmissions
6 – Abstrait Dialog
7 – The Axiom
8 – L’Exorde
9 – Theatrical Delirium
10 – Fundamental Process
Earthborn Evolution will be released October 24th and October 28th (US) via Season Of Mist.
Take it from us, this will not be one to miss.