Alkaloid Release New Song And Begin Crowdfunding Campaign


Metal’s most extreme outfit has begun. Following from the departure of guitarist and drummer, both Hannes Grossmann (Obscura,Necrophagist)  and Christian Muenzner (Obscura,Necrophagist) stated that they had joined Alkaloid. Made up of both the talented souls along with current Obscura bassist Linus Klausenistzer Dark Fortress howler Morean and finally Aborted guitarist Danny Tunker. Now that is a line up of the absolute death metal elite.

But what does Alkaloid sound like? Quite honestly, not much you’ve heard before. The single track they have released as a preview of what we might get for aiding their crowdfunding campaign is a nine minute odyssey. Full of solo’s, odd phrasings, contrasting elements of heavy and clean from vocals to the instruments. Its all quite a lot to take in, which is precisely why the band are asking you for help!

In the words of Grossmann himself : “Mentioning a lot of bands this is not a side project however and what we need is your help! Why are those guys actually doing a crowdfunding campain instead of just working with a label?  Well the point, is the music we write with Alkaloid is very diverse its radical its new and its very very proresive. Music labels however, want music that you can label.”

To say the least, the single they have released is a mixed bag. I personally, thought that it was fantastic. There needs to be more bands that are constantly pushing the envelope of music that we would consider normal, otherwise you get band after band that essentially sound all alike. Alkaloid, although may be made up of many different previous band members is not just a rehash of all the above bands put together. Obviously there will be elements from the bands but with enough individual identity to make them stand out from the death metal crowd.

Listen to the album teaser below, keep an ear out for the truly out there use of the guitar from 3:48 and after that check out the 9:00 minute song the band have released below!

Offering various perks from the usual CD Digipak to the possbility of the band record their cover or interpretation of a song you love, even to Grossmann‘s snare that was used on the recording of Omnivium and Blotted Science. Its always a great idea when bands get to crowdfunding, a fantastic way of actually helping the band. Although the music they’ve exhibited so far might be slightly unorthodox it is very interesting indeed and their new album will surely be one of the most exciting releases of the coming year!

If you fancy helping the band out you can check out their profile on Indiegogo here!

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