A visceral look at the honest truth behind being part of the Grindcore scene, known for its sheer ferocity the genre employs an acidic approach to the normal alkali Metal model. Embodying all that the genre stand for Nails are anger personified. Releasing their follow up to the ferocious Abandon All Life the band set their sights this time on the genre itself with You Will Never Be One of Us.
- You Will Never Be One Of Us
- Friend To All
- Made To Make You Fall
- Life Is A Death Sentence
- Violence Is Forever
- Savage Intolerance
- In Pain
- Parasite
- Into Quietus
The Come Crawling Back
[record_label]Nuclear Blast Records[/record_label]
[release_date]June 17th 2016[/release_date]
More of an antagonistic statement at first glance, when reflecting ironically given its bullheaded nature embodies a sense of togetherness within the Metal community. Wasting no time in kicking the metaphorical dirt in the listeners face the album opens with title track “You Will Never Be One Of Us“. Blistering past at a minute and a half the track does exactly as intended to make the listener to feel as powerless as possible. The likes of “Into Quietus” begins with an onslaught of blast beats before hints at where the band might go next to initiate full assault after a brief bass drop out. Yet the full throttle approach is brief enough to not become overwhelming, owing to its passionately ferocious nature makes for want of a return.
Combining elements of Punk, Power Violence and true hatred You Will Never Be One Of Us might be twenty minutes long but make no mistake every second put forward is calculated to the minutiae. Ensuring that the blistering rides in “Savage Intolerance” as pummelled into submission with buzz saw guitar sound from Todd Jones cutting straight through to deliver non empathetic rhythmic battering that never truly lets up. Recalling the likes of early Napalm Death “Friend To All” keeps the pace topped up particularly with its bounce. The relentless drive of “Parasite” is driven by dynamics, able to conjure up various different section in the space of under a minute is no mean feat. For those thinking it might be a cop out, in order to truly appreciate the grisly nature of Nails the band are short, sharp and to the point.
Prog odyssey that is the eight minute closer “They Come Crawling Back” brings the band’s slightly yet no less ram raiding sound to the fore. Lending elements from Doom Metal ensuring the listener is pinned right up until the album’s dissolution. The true sense of urgency felt within grindcore has never been more apparent with the likes of “In Pain“s caustic guitar solo ticking exactly all the right boxes. Wearing their hearts on their sleeves of the grindcore greats Nails have managed to carve their own niche within the genre. Enlisting Kurt Ballou on production duties ensures that each snare hit, down pick as just as devastating as the initial sledgehammer riff. Pouring salt in the wounds of the elitists Nails strive against melody, You Will Never Be One Of Us will not be for everyone. Dripping with malevolence, venom and true unadulterated hatred Nails have created a short sharp destructive masterpiece.
[why]Bottling aggression, animosity and anger in the most true sense, You Will Never Be One Of Us spits in the face of the modern day musician. It’s twenty corrosive minutes will leave the taste iron in your mouth whilst having you crawling back for more. [/why]
If you like what you read / heard then you can pick up a copy of the record here!