Album Review : Agnostic Front – The Day The American Dream Died

“You know why they call it a dream? Cuz you have to  be asleep to believe it…” 

In the modern day, we have access to technology beyond our wildest imaginations. The ability to update our social life at a moments notice, often giving more time to our social media life than our actual social life. Agnostic Front have been around long since this new faceless autocratic lifestyle was stealthily implemented. With his their new album we are shown how Agnostic Front remain steadfast in the storm of the worlds current affairs.

Opening with the ominous “Intro” we’re immediately handed our theme of the bands brand new album. The American Dream Died is a love letter to the past, pointing out the flaws of the modern day world. With the band having been so influential in not only the New York hardcore scene but the genre in itself their status is unquestionable as one of the pioneers of New York hardcore. The album blisters past at merely 28 minutes, were greeted with sixteen tracks of sheer negativity.

With good reason! At just under one minute, we see the bands protest against “Police Violence” with more and more so called police officers get away, literally, with murder. Much of the lyrical content surrounds the worlds current state of affairs, however musically the band are bouncing from various ideas to the next. The thrash attack of “Only In America” is followed up by the fast paced “Test Of Time” where the band truly get into their groove, with the rousing chorus and we see the first proper breakdown emerge,  were also shown the various thrash influences coming through with a fantastic solo.

Nostalgia tantalising “Old New York” rouses the troops, the classic sense of unity that comes with the connotation of hardcore, is immediately felt. From the gang vocals of “I miss the old New York!Agnostic Front open their proverbial arms to all the downtrodden. With the monicker of “Old New York” easily being a metaphor for how life used to be, seen throughout the album. The classic punk feel of the band is heightened on “Never Walk Alone” again adding to the sense of togetherness felt in hardcore. Though brotherhood and loyalty may be one of the corner stones of the genre, so is ousting anyone who may proverbially cross you. “Social Justice” bounces along showcasing the an eye for an eye mentality.

My only real gripe with the album is simply its length! With “No War Fuck You” and “Enough Is Enough” not even making it to one minute mark, they could have been developed a little more! With these being some of the shortest songs in the band’s career, they teeter between the genre’s of grindcore if anything, perhaps if they might have been explored slightly more it might have made for a more well rounded listen. However when the band do get going its a fantastic example of Agnostic Front‘s inimitable sound.

When the band truly get their groove on however is “A Wise Man” harking back to the classic NYHC sound with a thrash edge. The gut punched vocals of singer Roger Miret punctuate the rhythm of the songs fantastically, making this to be a live favourite for sure. The positive chords ring out as “Just Like Yesterday” signifies the end of the album, rounding off with a positive message that though the band may indeed be thirty years into their career they haven’t changed.

The songs may often be a lot more simple, but the true essence of hardcore isn’t felt through a record. Walking through the venue doors at a small bar in the middle of a metropolis where instantly respect, honour and loyalty are plentiful. Agnostic Front may preach about the days of yesteryear but as long as they continue with this mentality then hardcore is well and truly alive.Unfortunately the shorter songs deter this album from being fantastic but if you don’t mind shorter sermons then The American Dream Died is just what exemplifies the values of hardcore against the negativity of the modern world.

If you like what you read/heard then you pick up Agnostic Front’s brand new album here! 

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