Agalloch Announce Split

In rather more surprising news Agalloch have announced they have thrown in the towel. 

Coming as a surprise to us Agalloch have released a press statement via their Facebook that the band will no longer continue :

Following 20 years, 5 full length albums, many tours around the world, and numerous other recordings, John Haughm and the rest of the band (Don Anderson, Jason Walton, and Aesop Dekker) have parted ways. What the future holds for the separate parties remains undetermined. We collectively thank all of our fans across the world. There are also way too many other people to thank who made this band possible. You know who you are.

Realising that the statement was perhaps a little vague and being inundated with questions Haughm posted a second statement :

After being inundated by a barrage of responses, I feel that I should clarify some things. I take full responsibility for the decision to part ways with the other guys. It was difficult, well thought-out, and something that had been culminating over the past couple of years. I simply could not continue any further with the band as it was. I had to make a change as my motivation and inspiration had started to completely deteriorate. Whether this is the permanent end of Agalloch altogether or a possible fresh start, I don’t know. I probably won’t know for awhile. The band has simply been reduced back to its founding member for the first time in 20 years. Beyond that, the future is unknown.

– J. Haughm

After the clarification it sounds like there might have been some more to this than previously thought. Now having the band left as just John Haughm leaves a possibility for a complete change in guard, nevertheless the band have not said never say never. Though it is a small redeeming factor the band noticed the slip of enthusiasm and decided to call it before releasing sub standard material. The Serpent and The Sphere as a record was a pretty high note go out on and I’m sure people would welcome the band back if they decided to return, oh well it’s been fun Agalloch

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