Periphery Release Track Listing And Art Work For Juggernaut


Its no secret that Periphery have been in the studio recording for quite a while. Whilst the public were waiting in anticipation for the next album in Periphery’s arsenal we were then comepletely bowled over with the annoucement that Juggernaut will in fact be a double album! Entitled Juggernaut Alpha and Juggernaut Omega the albums promise to be part of a concept.

It must be said the bold move to create a double album is a big ask for any band, however Periphery have always been innovative. Take Clear for example last year’s brilliant vignette of an EP was a completely different take, giving the album seven songs, one overture and the rest all composed individually by each member, pretty cool.I would bet my money on something intergalactic that would make us question life the universe and everything. Which we already know the answer to anyway…43.

Check out the album’s artwork below designed by graphic novelist Justin Randall the double album will be housed in a twelve page booklet with illustrations that might give more of an idea what the concept of the album will entail. From the looks of it Alpha seems to be the “Light” aspect of the two perhaps showcasing more melody to mirror the beginnings of the album. Omega contains longer songs that would be more progressive and perhaps heavier moving into the “Dark” elements, but will definitely be the climactic piece in the Periphery puzzle.


juggernautalpha    juggernautomega

Juggernaut Alpha :                                                                              Juggernaut Omega :

A Black Minute (4:16)                                                                   Reprise (1:25)

MK Ultra (2:50)                                                                               The Bad Thing (5:34)

Heavy Heart (4:22)                                                                        Priestess (5:04) 

The Event (1:45)                                                                              Graveless (3:56)

The Scourge (5:36)                                                                          Hell Below (3:43)

Alpha (5:31)                                                                                        Omega (11:44) 

22 Faces (3:52)                                                                                   Stranger Things (7:35)

Rainbow Gravity (4:39)

Four Lights (2:18)

Psychoshpere (6:16)


Juggernaut will be released January 27th 2015 via Sumerian Records and is sure to let the year go off with a bang!


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