Its Monday Again, So Time For Some New Music

Incurso better

Writing technical music is not only challenging in terms of song writing but also demands a masterful touch to each members respective instrument. Spawn of Possession have not only written some of the most technically demanding material out there but are also fore runners in tech death song writing. At first, the band can be difficult to get into, due to the sheer amount of time changes, chord progressions, atonal madness they thrust upon the listener,but, persevere and you will be rewarded with groundbreaking ideas not thought of by many.

Very much an underrated band , their latest release Incurso is one of the most demanding listens to sit through, melody does seep in through the cracks but is quickly dashed when were thrust back into the fierce rhythm sections. Even though they may be musically talented, they never seem to stray into the almost pretentious levels of playing.

Check out “Where Angels Go Demons Follow” the second track off this album, five minutes of virtuosity about alien invasions from space, could there be a more quintessential death metal album?


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