He Whose Ox Is Gored Announces US West Coast Tour


The name of this band alone merits interest, but the Seattle metallers have broken out and announced a West Coast tour of the USA.

Metal Injection did a report on this band, and they are certainly excited about them. Here’s what they had to say:

“The Pacific Northwest has long been a stronghold for great heavy metal, and Seattle’s He Whose Ox Is Gored is one of the region’s best kept secrets. The band combines aspects of shoegaze, doom metal, and post-rock to make a hearty stew of delicious post-everything heavy metal. No doubt some of you reading this are the kind of troo metal lunkheads who recoil at even the slightest hint of experimentation, but if you philistines give the band a chance you might discover something new to enjoy. There are some ethereal synth passages, it’s true, but they’re usually layered over an avalanche of riffs and acrobatic guitar work. He Whose Ox Is Gored have something for everyone, and 2014 may be the year the band gains a wider audience.

Aside from the upcoming Rumours EP which is due out later this year, the band is also working on their debut full length. To top it off, they’re also preparing to head out on a series of West Coast tour dates that will see them spread their gospel all over the left side of this great nation of ours. The tour commences in Portland, Oregon on August 5th and wraps up in Spokane, Washington on August 17th. Below you can see a full list of dates and venues as well as listen to the track “Charming the Snake” from the band’s Nightshade EP which was released earlier this year.”

If you live in the West Coast and want to see something different, this definitely is worth checking out!

Dates below:

8/5 Portland, OR @ East End w/ Muscle & Marrow and Chasma
8/6 San Francisco, CA @ SUBMission w/ Glaciers and Roland
8/7 Oakland, CA @ Eli’s w/ Hellbeard, Glaciers, and Druid
8/8 Los Angeles, CA @ Complex w/ Lightsystem, Glaare, and The Black Mare
8/9 San Diego, CA @ Tower Bar w/ Deep Sea Thunder Beast and Bhorelord
8/10 Tuscon, AZ @ The District w/ Ocean Void
8/12 Albuquerque, NM @ Sister Bar w/ Bath House and Icelous
8/13 Denver, CO @ Bar Bar w/ Abrams
8/14 Salt Lake City, UT @ The Shred Shed w/ Stoic
8/15 Boise, ID @ The Shredder w/ Obstructed by the Sun and Swamp Shrine
8/16 Missoula, MT @ TBA
8/17 Spokane, WA @ Mootsie’s w/ Losing Skin and Rot Monger

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