For those who might not have listened to their brand new album For All Kings yet, I would strongly advise that you do so. Containing some of the bands best material in years the new album is a corker and now going the way of the graphic novel the band have opted for a brand new music video.
To capture the stacatto feel that the band were after the original idea was to have the video to be filmed by four different cameras all of which would have been taking individual still pictures for the continuous four minutes of the track as the band played.
Knowing that this would have been a total nightmare insted the video’s director Jack Bennett opted instead to shoot the video in Super Sharp HD Video Still cameras. Handpicking the images that Bennett wanted the director went through individual frames to find the perfect shot that he wanted to animate. Rather than usual 24 frames the man instead animated the frames by piecing them individually together to create this jagged stop motion sense that has been brought to life in the awesome graphic novel themed video. Check it out HERE!